Thursday, October 31, 2013

A Very Special Man

A Very Special Man

All around us we have "fellow foothillians". They are everyday folks: our
friends, neighbors and acquaintances. They quietly go about their daily
routines, bringing joy, humility and meaning to our lives. Whether it be
through a smile, a comment or gesture, their music or work of art. These
individuals bring to us what I call moments of grace from the everyday

I would like to share with you one such "foothillian" Mr. John G Totten, who
resides in Winston-Salem. He is a family man, a husband, father, and a
grandfather. John is a well liked coworker and employee of @#@, whose breakroom
banter brings smiles to many. He loves the Piedmont foothills and the Blue Ridge
mountains, so much that his coworkers jokingly needle him with such
comments as " What in the world is an old guy like you running around the
woods taking pictures for ?" They laugh knowingly because they are the
recipients of Johns` passion: nature and landscape photography set to music
and DVD. John also shares his love of nature with his grandchildren; often
taking them on treks along the trails and backwoods of the Piedmont. Johns`
quiet demeanor and resolve is an inspiration because of the dignity and grace
he exhibits while presently facing one of lifes` hardships, cancer. I am proud
and blessed to call this man my friend.

Bobby Kiger

I would like to introduce you to the
photographic artistry of John G Totten.

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